Stanger's Double Arrow ranches, located in Idaho Falls, Idaho, exchanged
Paint for Appaloosa spots in 1951 after attending the Appaloosa National
Show in Lewiston, Idaho. The first to export Appaloosas, often by the
planeload, the ranch held 16 production sales. Stanger acted as manager,
forwarding agent and coordinator for each of the exports. In her spare
time, Stanger was a co-founder of the Intermountain Appaloosa Club,
the Snake River Valley Horse Show, the Idaho Horse Council, and was
elected to the ApHC's national board of directors, serving on the racing
and planning and review committees and as chairperson of the regional
committee. Stanger's equine
knowledge saw her included in a study tour of the Light Horse industries
in the Soviet Union, Poland, Hungary, Austria, Germany, France, England
and Ireland. Stanger has also published a book, "Fifty Years of
Appaloosa History," "a thorough history of the people and
organization that became the Appaloosa Horse Club." |