- Dynamite Day, by Day Lite and out of
Miss Velvet Hammer (AQHA), is a 2005 Hall of Fame inductee based
on his show career and medallions earned in the show ring. Julia
and Hyman Young Jr. of Marshall, North Carolina, own the 1984
gelding bred by William Day of Dallas, Texas. Dynamite Day has
earned a total of 31 year-end finalist awards, 10 registers
of merit and nine superior event horse titles. The gelding has
earned an unprecedented 57 bronze medallions in tie-down roping,
heading and heeling, steer daubing, keyhole race and rope race
classes. He’s earned 713.5 open points, 14.5 youth points and
23.5 non-pro
Dynamite Day has won the ApHC’s World’s Best Appaloosa title
an unprecedented seven times.
Bronze Medallions
Judged Heading - 1992 World, 1993 National, 1993 World, 1994
National, 1995 World, 1996 National
Judged Heeling - 1993 National, 1994 National, 1994 World, 1995
Judged Tie-Down Roping - 1993 National, 1994 National, 1994
World, 1995 National, 1995 World
Senior Judged Heading - 1997 National, 1997 World, 1998 National,
1999 National, 2002 World, 2003 National, 2003 World, 2004 National,
2005 National
Senior Judged Heeling - 1997 National, 1997 World, 1998 World,
1999 National, 1999 World, 2000 World, 2002 National, 2004 National,
2004 World
Senior Judged Tie-Down Roping - 1996 World, 1997 World, 1999
National, 1999 World, 2000 World, 2001 National, 2002 National,
2003 National, 2004 National
Timed Tie-Down Roping - 1996 National, 2001 National, 2003 National
Heading & Heeling - 1999 World, 2000 National, 2003 World
Rope Race - 1993 World, 1997 National, 1998 National, 1999 National
Steer Daubing - 1994 World, 1996 World, 2004 World, 2005 National
Keyhole Race - 1999 World